Saturday, 2 January 2016

personal statement developing notes

Why do you want to teach, what is your motivation? what has influenced your decision to teach?

As a teacher, I intend to provide the kind of education that guarantees technical and academic progression, whilst cultivating self confidence through the refining of creative abilities, critical thinking and open mindedness, respect and trust in others. I would strive to engage students in the understanding that their views, values and approaches, hold a unique merit, that if nurtured and grown with direction, can give them the tools to shape their lives and make rewarding contributions to society.

A teacher has the unique opportunity to bring out the best in young people and I strongly believe that at a young age, creative subjects such as Art and Design technology are immeasurably vital in that they provide another platform for communication. Creativity is so accessible: Any person can be creative, visualise and imagine. I would have no greater satisfaction than helping those ideas become tangible through honing and refining expressive creative skills in the classroom, engaging in my passion whilst helping students realise and experience theirs.

My passion for the right education stems from my early childhood. I struggled from a young age to feel a sense of belonging at school. After moving up a year group due to academic achievements, I was bullied which contributed to my insecurities. However, a particular teacher noticed my abilities as a creative, taking the time to give me confidence and pride in my work. This teacher established things for me that have facilitated my overall development through life within and even beyond education. I was incredibly lucky to encounter this teacher and from there, several more like her. This gave me the desire to provide the same if not better quality of education and encouragement that I am so grateful for.

With all this in mind I am applying for teacher training programmes that allow me to facilitate progress of both myself and my students within the art and design technology field.

My range of practical art skills and contemporary knowledge gained throughout education combined with experience in the classroom, and an ability to communicate ideas effectively, will contribute to my effectiveness as a teacher. Further to this I have developed excellent organisational skills and time management through the maintenance of a highly active schedule alongside raising a child of my own, completing my degree and maintaining a home and demanding lifestyle. I believe this demonstrates resilience and a passion for success. During my work placement I have only deepened my empathy and care for children which, as a mother, was already well established. This gives me a heightened drive to see them succeed and a commitment to life long development and learning.

What skills do you feel you have that will make you an effective teacher
provide evidence throughout that you have and how you gained these skills
organisation/ communication/empaty for young children/creativity resilience/enthusuasm, responsibikity/commitment to life long learning

another platform for communication
engaing in your own passion whilst sharing that with students and helping them deveklop

When a young person sees their ideas come to life and become a visual that others can then understand and value, they can feel a sense of great achievement and self worth.

sourcing materials that make learning interesting)

I feel a deep satisfaction from the people around me doing well and achieving their goals, and nothing would give me greater pride and fulfilment than helping young people realise their abilities and unique yet valuable approaches, to a topic that centres around creative expression and skills.
Upon Reflection, my experiences throughout education significantly influenced my views and values as an adult, fundamentally creating the person I am today. Through education I have gained a sense of self and deepened my identity. This considered, I believe that the impact of a teacher in a young persons life is incomparably important.

I enjoy working with and learning from young people, and I am committed to making meaningful contributions to their growth.

  have a strong sense that I was always meant to be a teacher.  A young persons life,

Reflecting on my educational experiences, I appreciate the immeasurable impact that teachers
make on the lives of young people. I also realise that the skills and knowledge acquired in the
classroom, will be used by young people throughout life. Therefore,

As a teacher, I hope to be a role model to students, that encourages and cultivates their sense of self worth within society, a confidence through refined creative abilities, critical thinking and open mindedness, respect, and trust in others.

 growth and  in young people, open minds, the knowledge and ability to look at the
world critically, and the belief in ones capacity to make positive contributions to society. With
this goal in mind, I am applying for admission into the PGCE in Citizenship programme.

Further, I am very creative and . Most importantly, my ability to work well
with others, motivate and inspire is a very significant contribution that I am confident I can bring
to the course and into the classroom

What skills do you feel you have that will make you an effective teacher
provide evidence throughout that you have and how you gained these skills
organisation/ communication/empaty for young children/creativity resilience/enthusuasm, responsibikity/commitment to life long learning

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