Wednesday, 11 May 2016

I have decided that I will ask the class to analyse a range of drinks holders/bottles, here is the selection I have been and purchased for the task.

I feel this is a fair example of the market, ranging from very cheap, to expensive, the most simple function and form to examples of bottles with filters and infusers, or thermal technology. In some cases ergonomics have been considered as a priority, where others have prioritised a sleek or aesthetic preference. The bottles here are geared toward a variety of buyers and users, such as in the bottles for children, to the filter function bottles.
I will create a set of worksheets/ a booklet, A3 size with brief notes on product analysis, their mind-map template, a sheet of existing products like theirs, and two design sheets to draw on using a range of materials.
I will provide a set of A4 versions for the teaching staff in the room, containing a section of, if we were to continue this project we would create models etc and cover measured drawing, specs etc.

My Idea is to use my half an hour teaching task session as follows:

5 minutes or less:
Introduce myself, and explain a set of objectives I would like for them to meet within the session;
- to understand what product analysis is, do they already know? (hold up an example of their mind map or sheet and go through the points quickly if they dont know what product analysis is)
- to discuss and understand why it is so important to conduct analysis, why do we need to understand existing products (their successes and failures etc) when going on to design our own products
- to develop a range of ideas and concepts for new bottles.
-brief evaluation.

5 minutes:
 in pairs with 1 bottle between those pairs. To fill in a mind map or research sheet that I have created with points leading toward Aesthetics, Cost, Customer, Ergonomics, Safety, Size, Function and Materials. 
This will engage them with a fellow student, and as a small team they will consider design elements of the existing product they have been designated. writing down their opinions following conversation reinforces their learning and gives them something to refer back to.

5 minutes:
"now that we have, in our pairs, considered our bottles based on the points provided, I want us to look at the wider range of products provided here and establish an understanding of how products are perceived by the greater market/public/user"
- Ask them to hold up their individual bottles.

- Encourage the whole group to point toward the bottle they feel is the most expensive
- Pull up individual pupils and ask them why they feel this way - discuss
-**** the cheapest
-**** the most ergonomically considered
-**** the least
-**** The most aesthetically pleasing/the most attractive/ their favourite (This is a question that should create a divide... can discuss this based on the fact that each bottle potentially has a different target market, I would therefore expect the girls to lean toward the sleek/bold/feminine/pink bottles, where the boys I would expect to prefer the metal thermal cup.
I can ask them why they like each one and this engages them in their understanding of aesthetics, do they like the texture/colour or the function etc. Are their any improvements they would like to see?
-**** Their least favourite as a group, the least aesthetically pleasing etc.

-Ask them WHY this task was so vital, why do we need to conduct product analysis

- Set out the next task, to design or redesign bottles based on the bottle they looked at in more detail, so those pairs that had a childrens bottle, I would like them to redesign a child's bottle considering the elements we considered in existing products.
- Provide a range of drawing materials and possibly some putty so that they can explore ergonomics/hand shape? create a texture? etc black paper, white pencils, coloured textured papers that they can pop in their book for reference?

10 minutes on this task:
- design a range of bottles
-Give the pupils a few minutes to get stuck in and then begin going round and approaching individuals and their work, note some more successful or innovative/creative ideas that I see to pull out at the end of the session.

5 minutes at the end:
Is anyone super proud of their Ideas, or does anyone feel that their partner had some really good ideas?
If so, discuss their Ideas, and remember the ones who were noted and pull them out. Explain that this is a brief evaluation, that they would later on, develop these initial Ideas and asses them in a similar way to how we did earlier.
Thank the class for their concentration, explain that If we had had more time perhaps we could have gone on to create Styrofoam models from measured drawings etc.
explain that they should keep these sheets as I hope this exercise has deepened their understanding of product analysis and design processes at the early stages etc.


rather than 10 sets of 2,  I do one bottle per table of 4, and as groups get them to consider the bottles they have in-front of them, all have a feel etc. as a group task
between them fill out the sheet provided for analysis? one person write them down.
give them 5 minutes to form opinions about the product, what they like what they dont also. more opinions can be formed as a larger group.

5 minutes
same task as before in the sense that i get them to hold up their bottles and everyone point to the one they thinks the cheapest/expensive/aesthetic/unnatractive etc... why? did the team holding that bottle have any other opinions? etc

why was all this so important?
explain next task

group design sheets, a larger sheet? a box of textures etc for inspiration and images, this way four minds can consider one set of objectives. include rulers etc
perhaps this time we gear the product toward teenagers, because they know what they like, they can see the ergonomics of their hands, Make it a little competetion, who can design the most innovative, creative probkem solving and attractive bottle? or do we redesign the bottle we have?

afterward we can evaluate better because we would only have 5 product design sheets, someone can say a few things about their design they like best etc  ask all the groups as individuals to point toward the table they feel has the most interesting design. award that table with a set of their own bottles to take home?

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