Wednesday, 2 December 2015


During a tutorial with Maureen and Pippa, we discussed my plans for workshops and conversations I had been having with the school. They suggested working towards more progressive Ideas for the workshops. I agree that It would be more excitng and more in line with my practice to work in a more contemporary manner. However, This will all have to be relayed to June and the school staff, and approved. I will develop additional workshop Ideas in order to take them to June as a proposal. She will then let me know her views.

They Also mentioned doing research into current exhibitions and shows displaying masks.

A work stemming from New Art West Midlands. This sits central in the space and as you walk through a square cut out within the supporting wall in the gallery, the room seems chopped off by this dividing wall covered mostly in a sort of wallpaper cerated by graduate student (name?) three masks which she wears accompanied with three wigs (pictured and shown on a wall to the left of this dividing wall) consider her partially oriental heritage. The way in which the paper hangs warped and is held flat/straight only by its own gravity is somewhat surprising and I'm not sure I understand it. I feel that this paper would have looked better flush to the wall. However, In pictures the paper almost looks more like material, that could reference drapes and the extravagant materials of the orient. Perhaps this was the intention for viewers in the space but was not achieved. 
The three plinths reflect the three images taken and create a sense of balance with the central plinth set forward creating a triangular field of view across the piece.

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